30 May 2007

Uden overskrift

I dag kan jeg ikke finde en overskrift. Jeg ved ikke, om det mon er fordi jeg endnu ikke helt har fundet ud af, hvad denne post skal handle om. Men jeg trænger til at skrive. Og jeg trænger til en overspringshandling. (hey, what are blogs for?)

Perhaps I should write in English. That usually helps when I get the thesis-blues. I have had two days with the spleeny feeling that I don't know what I'm supposed to do today. Should I write? Should I read? If so, what should I read?

I have two chapters to write and several to finish. The ones I have written are:
  1. Preface - nearly done.
  2. Discussion of what the problem is, why there is one, and what my colleagues have to say about it. Far from done - but the scheleton is there.
  3. Theories on rhetorical analysis. Quite done. I still have to find the Latin quotes on Quintilian (Christian thought this might be a good idea since I discuss the text rather thoroughly)
  4. My own definition of rhetorical reading. It consists of the rhetorical situation, the rhetorical analysis and rhetorical tasks and drills for the students.
The ones I haven't yet started are:
  1. The advantages of rhetorical reading. What skills does the rhetorical reading train?
  2. A discussion of the four non-fiction teaching suggestions. Why have I chosen these texts? These exercises? What did the teachers say about teaching non-fiction this way?
OK, that actually helped me. I think I'm gonna start on no. 2. What still scares me is that I might lack some theory for both the two chapters. Why did I choose this and that exercise? Because that's how I teach, that's how the others teachers teach and that's how I was taught in secondary school. But that's just not a reason, is it?

So English teachers out there - where did you learn what exercises and drills to do?


Larvelømmel said...

Jeg tror finsk er bedre til oversprings-blog-skrivning. Eller?

Anonymous said...

Hej kære Nanna.
Tjekkede lige din blog og tænkte at jeg rent faktisk ville skrive en kommentar denne gang. Ved ikke om jeg har noget særligt at byde på men altså måske... Når du skal begrunde dit valg af tekst så skal du vel se på vocabulary (er det elevernes niveau (gerne +1: se Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis)), emnet (er det relevant for eleverne,kan det kædes sammen med andre fagområder eller temaer der skal dækkes af din syllabus (som jeg ikke lige kan huske hvad hedder på dansk)), hvilke sub-skills fokuserer du på med dine øvelser (skimme, scanne, gist-reading und so wieter), hvilke follow-up (produktive) øvelser har du og hvordan hjælper eller støtter de den retoriske læsning. Ok, måske er det helt hen i skoven og måske er det også for sent at skrive alt dette (hurtig er jeg vist aldrig blevet beskyldt for at være) men nu har du da fået en kommentar fra mig. tada!
jeg håber alt er vel. regner med at se dig snart i dk. Lander d. 22. juni. Mange krammere. a