4 Mar 2007

Exactly when will the crisis occur? (Or am I just weird?!)

I am so happy about writing my thesis that people around me have started to notice it - and comment it. Whenever I tell someone that I'm writing my thesis, they get this hopeless look in their eyes, and when I think I console them by saying that I actually really enjoy it, their eyes change from hopeless to bewilderment and confusion "Just wait four months, and you'll feel differently," they say while I guess they're thinking "How weird is she?!" (I won't mention any names, by the none-mentioned-none-embarrassed-rule...)

So how weird am I?

Will I come to hate my thesis in a couple of months, or is it possible that I have just been so lucky to find a topic that I enjoy reading about, talking about and writing about?

Two of my friends have always laughed at me whenever I tell them something about my teaching job. I always tell the stories in a very loud voice - which I do whenever I get eager about something. And now they have started putting their fingers in their ears every time they hear the word thesis come crawling.

So, if I am just weird because I enjoy writing this thesis, I can relax. I have been used to being a bit weird ever since I had to explain my co-kindergarten-kids exactly why we spoke Danish at home (I grew up in Northern Sweden, just south of the North Pole circle, so Danish was quite an exotic language).

But maybe I'm not weird, maybe I'm just like everyone else. Then I better start enjoy enjoying myself, if you know what I mean, as it will all be over in three months' time.

This is almost enough to make the swamp-o-metre go haywire.


1 comment:

Larvelømmel said...

Sødeste Nanna,
tror først svamp-o-metret (lyder så fedt på dansk) går amok i det øjeblik du skal til at aflevere specialet! Tænk på - ikke flere sætninger, der skal skrives om, ikke flere kommaer, der skal rettes - the final version! Hvordan tror du det føles? Især for en systematisk perfektionist som dig?
Jeg driller, det ved du godt. Synes det er dejligt, du nyder processen. Tilpas meget. Og så længe du kan holde dig på den rette side af den perfektionistiske bølge, skal du nok kunne surfe smukt ind til stranden. Ellers - tja, du har nu altid været sød med vådt hår!