22 Aug 2007

New blog!

As of today, my blog has begun a completely new life.

As of today, I'm no longer writing a Master's thesis. (actually, that is as of last Wednesday, but who cares?)

As of today, the name of my blog is Teaching is Tricky.

As of today, I'll write about teaching: How do you do it? What did I do wrong? Why was this particular class so successful? So unsuccessful? What do you do with a student who hates poetry per definition? And so on, and so on.

Welcome, new readers!
Welcome back, old friends! Thank you for your comments so far.

(Og for jer, der bedst kan lide det på dansk: Bare rolig, bloggen er stadig tosproget.)


Anonymous said...

Jamen, jeg hænger på.

The Humanity Critic said...

I will be definitely checking this blog out - with help of an online translation... Have a great weekend.